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Reasons Why Email Marketing Is So Important?

As other digital marketing strategies have evolved, a question that keeps coming up is: “is email marketing still important?”

Creating a strong email marketing strategy helps you reach and connect with your target audience in a personalized way and increase sales at an affordable cost. Just as other platforms and media have changed, email marketing tools give your business the ability to reach customers easier than ever.

Here are the importance of email marketing and how they can help your business:

  • Creating personalized content: Different customers have different needs and wishes. Once the targeted audience and buyer personas is identified , send them personalized messages to delight them hence increasing the chances of converting them, primarily by delivering something relevant to their preferences and needs.
  • Creating Brand Awareness: How can consumers learn more about your brand story? Yes Your website and advertisements can help, but consistent email communications can upgrade brand awareness. Think about how much time we spend on our mobile devices and mailboxes per day. It’s a digital place” we visit on a regular basis, so you can’t leave this opportunity unseized.
  • Automating Messages to Save Time: Email automation can not only save you lots of time and trouble but also turn into a real booster for your business growth. By automating campaigns, such as transactional or welcome emails, you manage to reach out to subscribers at excellent timing. This way, you increase the chances of converting them.
  • Increasing Sales and ROI: The main email marketing benefit is boosting your ROI. Bizzyeasy Kikapps will help you increase your sales through creating marketing campaigns with discounts, offers, and deals. It’s a winning method and can massively benefit you in the long run!
  • Nurturing Customer Relationships: Good emails are not just for direct sales. Sometimes, all you want is to warm your customers up by serving them relevant inspiring content. This way, they’ll start showing more trust in your brand which will gradually turn into customer loyalty.
  • Collecting Customer Feedback: No one can improve your brand more than your customers. They know what they love about your products/services and what they’d like you to change. In addition, it’s essential to stay in touch with them to discover their needs and grasp what else you can offer them
  • Reach customers in real-time: According to Litmus, 54% of all emails were opened on a mobile device. This is significant and should come into play when planning any marketing strategy. More and more consumers are using their mobile devices to access not only emails but all other types of media and information. Not only that, well-designed emails produce higher conversion rates on mobile than any other medium.
  • People engage with emails: As the years have gone by, email has fast become one of our main choices of communication. We have all been groomed to reply to an email in some fashion. Whether it is to reply, to forward, click through to something else embedded within the email, delete, or to buy something, or to sign up. We tend to do something with the email. Knowing this, you can use email to drive people to your website, to pick up the phone and call or any other call to action.
  • Email marketing is easy to measure: Most email marketing tools offer the ability to track what happens after you have sent out your email campaign. You can track delivery rates, bounce rates, unsubscribe rates, click through rates, and open rates. This gives you a better understanding of how your email campaigns are working, which ones to tweak or which ones to get rid of altogether. These metrics should not be ignored. They are an important part of your internet marketing campaign as a whole.
  • Allows for targeted messaging: Now let’s talk about the importance of email marketing when it comes to lead nurturing sometimes referred to as email lead marketing. The main idea here is that your potential customers are at different stages of the buying cycle. Some may be in the consideration stage, while others may be at the research and compare stage, and even others in the ready-to-purchase stage. So creating buyer personas can help you determine what kind of content to create for each step.
  • It’s timely: One of the benefits of email marketing can be to sell your products, if you approach it in the correct fashion. It’s important to use all the customer data and information you can. Sending customers a special offer on their birthday, or letting them know their favorite dish is half off is much more effective than simply sending them a menu. This email marketing strategy also can incorporate seasonal offers, allowing you to promote a holiday special or an annual sale. Be sure to create a sense of urgency for any offer – customers are much more likely to purchase when a deal is ending soon.


Take control of your customer communication with Bizzyeasy Kikapps Mail, the all-in-one platform for building meaningful connections and driving results. Due to its automated workflow, there is increase in Email Open Rates and Click-Throughs since targeted emails get noticed and lead to action.

This will help in sending personalized SMS blasts and targeted notifications and segment your audience for laser-focused messaging hence boosting business productivity.