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Reporting and Analytics

In order to make informed decisions you need real time access to vital customer data. Bizzyeasy CRM offers comprehensive reporting that lets you quickly access historical and interactive data and gain deep insight into your business. Customizable ad-hoc reports combined with a graphical representation of sales, marketing and customer service information enables management to get a clear picture of what’s happening across the organization.

Bizzyeasy offers comprehensive analytics and reporting features within its CRM platform, allowing users to track and analyze sales, marketing, and customer service metrics. Our reporting tools provide insights into lead generation, pipeline performance, customer engagement, and more.

Key Differences Between Reporting and Analytics:

Reporting is the process of gathering and presenting data in a structured format such as graphs and tables. Organizing information in predefined KPIs and metrics makes it easier for you to understand what is happening. Analytics is the process of analyzing your data to identify patterns and gain insights. Using techniques such as predictive and prescriptive analytics helps you understand why things are happening and what to do next.

What is Reporting?

Reporting primarily involves the presentation of data in a structured format. Its purpose is to provide a snapshot of specific metrics or KPIs over a defined period. Reports are instrumental in summarizing information for stakeholders and are often automated and scheduled on a regular basis. Ad hoc reports, created on-demand, can address specific inquiries or issues promptly. Data visualizations help identify trends, patterns, and anomalies more intuitively. Dashboards play a crucial role in presenting real-time data to stakeholders for quick decision-making.


Reporting enables informed decision-making, tracks performance trends, and fosters transparency and accountability. By aligning activities with strategic goals and optimizing resource allocation, reporting enhances operational efficiency. It ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and aids in identifying and mitigating risks. Effective reporting also facilitates communication with stakeholders, supports competitive advantage, and guides long-term strategic planning.

Reporting Process:

Data is sourced from operational systems such as transactional, supply chain, and CRM applications. This raw data is extracted, transformed, and combined into a repository such as a data warehouse or data lake. Bringing together data from all your systems gives you a holistic view of your business.

Your reporting analytics tool uses this data to allow you to create visualizations, dashboards and KPI reports via automation. These make it easier for you to know what has happened or what is happening in your business.

Types of Reporting

Reporting takes various forms in organizations, serving specific functions. Operational reports offer day-to-day insights into activities like sales and inventory management. Financial reports detail a company’s financial health, including balance sheets and income statements. Management reports provide summarized data for internal decision-making, while strategic reports guide long-term planning. Compliance reports ensure adherence to legal requirements, while ad hoc reports address specific queries. An analytical report delves deep into data for actionable insights, and statutory reports fulfill legal obligations. Project, sales, HR, customer service, inventory, quality control, and environmental reports cater to specific areas, aiding in better decisions across an organization.

Dashboard Report Example:

Bizzyeasy’s Reporting and Analytics:

    • Real time Interactive Dashboard: View account status, identify new opportunities, manage the sales pipeline and the efficiency of your sales team

    • Multi-level reporting: Pre-built, ad-hoc and graphical reporting help you to make informed business decisions

    • Create powerful, custom reports: Built in report generator enables the creation of customer reports

    • Historical Trending: Identify issues and take appropriate action before they impact your business.

    • Complete business visibility from summary to detail: Monitor the effectiveness of sales opportunities, marketing programs and service ticket management

    • Analyze Business Issues Quickly and Efficiently: Graphical analysis provides a quick view of deal flow, win/loss analysis, average deal size and more

Some of the Essential CRM Reports Tracked by Bizzyeasy:


    • Sales Pipeline Report: A methodical approach to directing the steps of a sales process is the sales pipeline. It outlines every aspect of how much money you will make from a sales transaction. Beginning with the first interaction with a prospect, the sales pipeline develops through the various stages of the sales process until the deal is closed. Companies can determine the amount of work required at each stage of the cycle to achieve the final sales objective with the aid of a clearly defined pipeline.

    • Lead Source Report: In business, it’s very important that you have a proper mechanism for tracking your marketing and sales activities. You should track these things on an almost daily, weekly, and monthly basis to consolidate these reports for quarterly reviews. A lead source analysis report can help you track the number of leads generated through a particular source and then understand the best result generated from the same source. The Lead Source report is very important for analyzing the effectiveness of your campaigns and sales team.

    • Sales Activity Report: A sales report is a detailed document that demonstrates the effectiveness of each type of sales activity that takes place in a business. It provides sales managers with sufficient data and valuable information about the actions that the sales team has performed over a certain period of time (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually). With the help of Bizzyeasy’s sales report, you can check the most important sales metrics, such as leads generated, closed deals, revenue generated, sales, conversions, phone calls, and dozens of others.

    • Customer Service Report: Customer service reports show progress and performance in customer support, customer interaction management, and account management activities. They let you see how well your agents and service representatives are doing in resolving cases, retaining customers, and creating satisfied customers. Bizzyeasy has sophisticated customer service reporting features that allow users to collect reliable case data, such as current status, case number by channel, or average resolution time, customer lifetime value, churn rates, and number of active subscriptions, all from a centralized dashboard.

    • Campaign Performance Report: CRM reporting is crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and strategies. That’s why using a CRM campaign performance report is essential. A campaign performance report tracks important metrics of your marketing strategies, such as ROI, conversion rate, click-through rate (CTR), and more.

    • Profitability report: A CRM profitability report details how much revenue you generate from specific customers. It can also tell you which customers are the most loyal to your brand and which ones are most likely to become repeat customers. This report is crucial for identifying high quality leads for your business. When you know which leads are likely to generate the most profit for your company, you can focus more resources on nurturing and converting those leads to increase sales.

    • Contacts report: Contacts are the most valuable currency for a seller. You never know when someone is going to become a customer, so it’s important to have contact information on hand to attract more leads and offer them what they need from the start. A good contact report should include all kinds of data about how many times a sales rep has recently contacted that person and through which channels (e.g., email, phone call, social media, etc.).

Organizations all around the world are utilizing knowledge management systems and solutions to manage data better, reduce the time it takes to obtain insights, and increase the utilization of historical data while cutting costs and increasing ROI.

Bizzyeasy CRM provides you with pre-built, point and click, text based, and graphical reports for all applications from contact management, sales and marketing to projects and accounting. A built in report generator enables you to create reports against any data in the system including customer fields. The analytics package provides additional sales, marketing and customer service indicators to help you make informed business decisions.


Unlock Data-Driven Excellence With BizzyEasy

Faced with Human Resource Management Challenges

Human Resource departments face complex challenges, that’s to say from HR transformation and integrating new people-centric technologies to changing workforce.

Difficulties in Financial Management and decisions

Financial management is a complex and critical function for companies of all sizes and industries.

Data privacy and Security issues

The growing dependency on digital technologies is becoming a way of life, and at the same time, the collection of data using them for surveillance operations has raised concerns as some industries require a high level of data security to comply with data protection regulations.

Lack Of Collaboration Gaps

Disconnected teams and poor communication are major hurdles for businesses. They lead to missed deadlines, frustrated customers, and lost opportunities.

Lack of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) integrations.

 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems have become indispensable tools for businesses looking to enhance customer interactions and streamline processes.

Lost Opportunities & Poor Customer Relationships

Customer relationships are your most valuable asset. customer relationships are your most valuable asset. Missed opportunities, slow responses, and impersonal interactions can lead to lost clients and stunted growth.

Missed Deadlines & Unclear Project Progress

These are the consequences of disorganised project management. In today’s fast-paced world, you need tools to keep everyone on track, on time, and on budget.

Take Control of Cash Flow, Conquer Financial Uncertainty

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. Yet, financial uncertainty can lead to sleepless nights, missed opportunities, and stalled growth. It’s time to ditch the spreadsheets and upgrade your financial toolkit.

Complicated and difficult inventory Management

Inventory is essential to any business that deals with products, and efficient inventory management is the essence of a successful e-commerce business.

Cash Flow & Financial Uncertainty,

In today’s digital age, Financial reporting is a crucial process for companies and investors, as it provides key information that shows financial performance over time.