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Email Automation: How to Set Up Automated Workflows

What is email marketing automation?

Email automation is an effective way to communicate with potential customers because it allows you to send emails at specific times. Most email platforms have pre-made automated workflows, which send a sequence of emails over a specified period of time, instead of just a single email.

Email automation uses predefined rules to send personalized email messages based on the specific actions a customer takes or doesn’t take. For example, a customer who just completed a purchase may receive an automated email from the store suggesting other products they may like.

Why You Should Use Automated Email Marketing?

Email marketing automation eliminates time-consuming tasks, such as preparing email lists, sending generic messages, or scheduling events manually. This gives marketers and salespeople more time to work on projects that require their attention.

Email marketing automation is centered around workflows, a predetermined, triggered set of actions you’re directing your automation software to take for you.

The Benefits of Using Bizzyeasy Email Automation:

Bizzyeasy is a top marketing automation platform that focuses on customer journey management and conversions, so it’s a good option to automate repetitive marketing tasks. The platform includes a built-in email marketing automation app that collects subscribers’ info from the CRM.

  • Time Efficiency: Bizzyeasy Email automation allows businesses to schedule messages in advance, which significantly reduces time spent on routine tasks.
  • Consistent Communication: Automated emails ensure regular and consistent communication with your audience, improving brand recall and engagement.
  • Personalization: Automation tools can segment users based on their behavior, preferences or past actions, allowing for highly personalized email content.
  • Improved Tracking: Automated email tools usually come with tracking features, enabling easy monitoring of important metrics like open rates, CTRs, conversions, and bounce rates.
  • Better Customer Engagement: Automated welcome emails, product recommendations, or customer surveys can enhance customer engagement and improve customer experience.
  • Scalability: As the business grows, email automation can handle communication with an expanding customer base without requiring significant additional resources.
  • Reliable Delivery: With automation, you can ensure that emails (like confirmations, reminders, or notifications) are delivered promptly and reliably, enhancing customer service.
  • Cost Effectiveness: Since automation reduces the need for regular manual interventions, it can be a more cost-effective solution for email marketing in the long run.
  • Strategically Timed Messages: You can schedule your emails to be sent during peak engagement times, increasing your chances of getting results from your emails.
  • Increased Conversions: By sending targeted and timely emails based on different triggers and customer behaviors, email automation can help drive more conversions and sales.
  • Improved Email Segmentation: Automated emails make it easier to segment your email recipients based on attributes, behavior patterns, and engagement levels. Doing so leads to an increased engagement rate, open rate, conversion rate, and click-through rate
  • Fewer Errors: Even if you’re just copying and pasting or reusing templates for your emails, there is still room for error. Fortunately, email automation has the ability to map individual user variables onto relevant portions of your templates hence allowing you to send personalized emails right away.

How to set up automated workflow with Bizzyeasy:

  • Create a New Workflow: Begin by opening Bizzyeasy and navigate to the email automation feature, where you can select ‘New Workflow’.
  • Name Your Workflow: Give your new workflow a name that is descriptive and will help you easily identify it later.
  • Define Your Trigger: Choose the action that will trigger the automated email in your workflow. This can be a wide variety of actions — a subscriber joining your email list, a customer making a purchase, a user abandoning their cart, etc.
  • Design Your Email: Write the content for your email. This can include a welcome message, special offers, reminders, and more. Utilize personalization features for a more tailored approach if it is available.
  • Set Delay (if necessary): If you want the email to be sent after a certain period of time has passed since the trigger action, set a delay.
  • Review and Activate Workflow: Finally, proof-read your email and workflow settings. After making sure everything is as per your plan, activate it.
  • Analysis and Optimization: Once the workflow has run for a while, use the software’s reporting features to see how your automated emails are performing. You may then tweak your messages, timing, or other variables for optimization.


Email automation offers more than just time-saving bulk emails. It also helps to nurture relationships with tailored, timely messages. Therefore by leveraging automated email campaigns, businesses can engage customers effectively, from welcome messages to abandoned cart reminders hence boosting sales and business at large.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What is automation in email?

Automation in email refers to the process of setting up predefined actions or responses to occur automatically based on certain triggers or conditions within an email system.

2. How do I create an automated email?

You can create an automated email by using email marketing software or platforms like Retainful that offer features like triggers, and personalized messaging to set up automated responses based on subscriber behavior or specified schedules.

3. What is the key benefit of using email automation?

The key benefit of using email automation is the ability to streamline communication, increase efficiency, and deliver personalized messages, leading to improved engagement, higher conversion rates, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

4. How do I plan an email automation?

To plan email automation effectively, start by identifying your goals, segmenting your audience, mapping out the customer journey, creating engaging content, setting up triggers, and continuously optimizing based on performance metrics.