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How to Use Website Embedded Feedback Surveys to Collect Data?

The Internet has revolutionized the way we shop. Because of the numerous advantages and benefits, more and more people these days prefer buying things online over the conventional method of going into stores thus increasing the significance of online customer experiences. While website surveys play a pivotal role, understanding their varied applications and targeted feedback goals is key to their efficacy.

Different survey types, such as website popup surveys for specific feedback from targeted audiences or feedback buttons for general insights, offer unique advantages. Among these methods, website embedded surveys stand out as a widely impactful approach.

In this article, we will explore what is a website embedded survey and why they are so important. We will also look at their different types and reasons as to why Bizzyeasy (Kiki Survey) is recommended as the best embedded surveys website.

What is a Website Embed Survey?

A website embedded survey is an online form on your web page that can be used for anything, from collecting user experience and satisfaction to product feedback or customer preferences. They are usually short, informative, and appear as a part of the website, often as a pop-up or as a fixed element on the page.

Types of Website Embed Surveys

Let us look at the type of embedded surveys you can employ on your website to collect customer feedback.

  • Exit Intent Surveys: These trigger when users are about to leave a website, capturing reasons for leaving and feedback.
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Gauge overall satisfaction with the website, products, or services.
  • Feedback/Opinion Surveys: Surveys like Likert scale surveys help to gather general feedback or opinions about the website, services, or specific features.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) Surveys: Assess customer loyalty and likelihood to recommend the website or services to others.
  • User Experience Surveys: Assess the ease of navigation, design, and overall user experience.
  • Product or Service Feedback Surveys: Gather feedback specifically about products or services offered on the website.
  • On-Page Surveys: Pop-up surveys triggered during user interaction on specific pages, targeting feedback on that particular content or service.

Why Use Bizzyeasy(Kik Survey)?

Let us look at the reasons why website embedded surveys are useful.

  • User Convenience: By integrating directly into your website, you can provide a seamless experience for users, which can increase response rates.
  • Tailored User Experience: You can tailor surveys to the user’s journey, placing different surveys on different pages or triggering surveys after certain actions.
  • Customizability: Bizzyeasy has the ability to tailor the look and feel of surveys to match your brand image, creating consistency and enhancing brand recognition.
  • Valuable Insights: Embedded website surveys can help gather direct feedback from customers on their experience, preferences, or pain points, providing valuable insights for business strategy.
  • Real-Time Results: Bizzyeasy could provide real time access to collected data, allowing you to adapt quickly based on the feedback received.
  • Versatility: These surveys could have various forms – be it feedback forms, contact forms, event registration, quizzes, and more.
  • Automations: There is automated workflows enabling action-based survey triggers like after a purchase or upon time spent on a page.
  • Targeting and Segmentation: The tool offers the ability to display certain surveys only to particular groups of visitors based on their behaviors, characteristics or source of traffic.
  • Integration with Analysis Tools: Bizzyeasy can integrate with other analysis tools to collate, analyze data and gain deeper insights.
  • Encourages Engagement: Embedded surveys provide an easy and quick way for visitors to engage with your brand, potentially increasing conversion rates and customer loyalty.
  • Enhanced Survey Response Rates: When embedded surveys appear on web pages, visitors find it easier to respond, unlike email surveys or SMS surveys requiring extra steps. For instance, a hotel website’s embedded survey on its booking page can swiftly gather feedback on booking experiences, increasing response rates.
  • Streamlined Data Collection: Embedded feedback provides a streamlined approach to gathering diverse data sets from diverse user interactions.
  • Continuous Feedback Channels: Most feedback platforms are great for collecting feedback or information here-and-now. You may have to create several campaigns that may not always be relevant. But website embedded surveys enable ongoing feedback and information collection.
  • To Know Visitors Better: In addition to taking feedback on website, you can use web embedded surveys to know your visitors better.

What Makes Bizzyeasy Kik Survey an Excellent Tool For Creating Website Surveys?

  • User-Friendly Interface: A tool like Bizzyeasy ideally has an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows users to create surveys easily and quickly, without requiring technical expertise.
  • Customizable Surveys: It offers various survey customization features, such as the ability to choose different question types (multiple-choice, rating scale, open-ended), customize design elements, or incorporate your brand logo and colors.
  • Responsive Design: Surveys created with Bizzyeasy are responsive, making them look great on desktops, smartphones, and tablets alike.
  • Integration: Its ability to integrate the surveys seamlessly into your website would be crucial for user experience.
  • Real-Time Analytics: Bizzyeasy provides real-time analytics and reporting features, allowing users to track responses, analyze data, and gain insight as soon as the survey responses start to come in.
  • Automation: The tool offers automation features like triggering a survey after specific user actions or events on the website.
  • Audience Segmentation: Bizzyeasy can support audience segmentation, allowing you to target specific groups of visitors with your surveys.
  • Sharing Capabilities: Easy embedding and sharing options could make distribution a breeze.
  • Multi-Language Support: This feature could make the tool ideal for websites with a global audience.
  • GDPR and Data Security Compliance: Compliance with international privacy and data security standards would ensure that the survey data is stored and processed securely.


Creating effective website embedded feedback surveys is instrumental in capturing user sentiments, enhancing engagement, and refining website experiences. These surveys, seamlessly integrated into web pages, offer an avenue for users to provide feedback without redirections, enabling enhanced response rates and ongoing data collection.

With easy-to-use website survey tools like Bizzyeasy Kik Survey, which has features like customizable survey templates, website feedback widgets, real-time analytics, user segmentation, and workflow automation, you can easily create and implement embedded surveys on your web page.